Monday, October 10, 2011

Eating together Prevent Teen mischievous

WATCH your teen's behavior patterns. If he had often done in school or having trouble eating disorder, the cause may be due to eating with your family does not become a habit.
A study found that teens who are accustomed to eating with her parents, much less suffer from bulimia (torture yourself by eating continuesly/Wikipedia) and anorexia (excessive fear will increase a healthy weight / Wikipedia) than teens who eat alone. (Dailymail)

Conclusions obtained through a study of nearly 200,000 children and adolescents. Representative of researchers, Barbara Fiese explains, "Generally, teens are reluctant too often with her parents. Teenagers are too busy so not much time to eat with the family. "

Barbara suggested, although teenagers and parents could not eat together 7 days a week, at least they could schedule three days a week to ensure the health of teenagers better.

Eating disorders are often reported to occur among teens, among them food vomited again, taking diet pills, not eating, eat very small portions, and smoking are believed to make the body more thin.

Other benefits, family meals 3 times a week can help 12 percent of adolescents not overweight less often than teens who eat with their families. The reason is, when eating with the family, adolescents are more likely to eat healthy foods prepared parents.

Connecting the results of the study, Barbara adds that teenagers who eat with their families much more connected and easier to communicate about dieting is wrong and dangerous.

"The moment of family meals can be a moment of teen expression, is also a place for exchanging ideas," Barbara said of the study reported the journal Pediatrics.

If the moments are not accustomed to eating with the family's parents, then parents do not just mean a positive influence on adolescent development and open "opportunity" to become addicted teen alcohol and illicit drugs.